Book Review: Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls by Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo


Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is a children’s book packed with 100 bedtime stories about the life of 100 extraordinary women from the past and the present, illustrated by 60 female artists from all over the world.

first sentence

To the rebel girls of the world

Dream bigger

Aim higher

Fight harder

And, when in doubt, remember

You are right.

my opinion

Good NiCover_530xght Stories for Rebel Girls is a book about courage. A book about love and selflessness and strength. It’s for all the little and big girls on earth to make them feel better, loved, stronger and more courageous.

I loved the concept of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls so so much! To be honest, I didn’t hear a lot about this book before but was curious when I saw it high rated on Amazon. Since forever I love stories which tell about people who have changed the world. Visible or not visible. After reading something like Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls I feel more educated and inspired.

Reading this book every morning was a perfect start into a new day!

Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls isn’t just about women and girls who have lived before our time but also about girls who are the same age as I am. That’s so cool because theoretical you can get in touch with them over Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. They aren’t out of the world. All those inspirational girls are so close to us, they are next to us and I think it’s so important to know and not try to get intimidated by the medias etc. which try to put us into a melting pot and create a perfect imagine of how a girl should be. Almost every girl in Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls didn’t fit this image. WE are those girls. Not only the good looking, successful women on TV and films. WE are rebel girls who can change the world. Who change the world everyday with everything we do and with all our edges and scares!

“Nobody can tell me what I can and cannot do.” Amna Al Haddad

Since I am not a native speaker in English I was a little bit afraid of not understanding everything even though I read a lot books in English. Hands down, this wasn’t the case! The book is written for children and because of this the language is very simple which makes the whole thing even more special. You feel like a child again, the world in front of you and visions and dreams in your head.

The facts are given in a simple language and there is no waffling which I enjoyed A LOT! And can we talk about the drawings? Oh, my! They are beyond beautiful and all I want to do is pull them out and hang them on my wall! Another amazing thing about this book is that you can even write your own story and draw your own picture at the end of the book which is the most precious thing on earth!

With Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls you get an new impression of all the famous women and realize that it’s normal to be afraid and fail sometimes and that there are always people who aren’t convinced by what you do. But that is normal and NO girl should be harmed by others. You have to do your own thing and you will see: there are SO many people on earth who believe in you, believe in what you do and love.


Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo is so good that my friends and I decided to give the Italian version of it to our favorite Italian teacher.

Everybody, doesn’t matter whether girl or boy, young or old, just EVERYBODY has to read Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls. This book will make you feel proud of yourself and loved and courageous and strong. It’s perfect for reading alone or with friends or for children. Just READ it!

my rating: 5/5 ★

Rebel Girls | $35.00 | 212 pages | published on 2nd March 2017 | book cover


Always on the hunt for good books, strong coffee and the little things in life ♡

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  1. July 20, 2017 / 7:09 PM

    This sounds so CUTE! I’ve seen it a few times on bookstagram and am so glad you wrote something about it. Definitely going on my wishlist! I also love the idea of reading it every morning to start your day, sounds perfect and empowering to me. And the fact that you can write your own story? I’m sold! ♥

    • November 12, 2017 / 10:46 AM

      Right? It was amazing and I missing having it around me here in Canada!!❤️

  2. George
    January 20, 2018 / 2:05 PM

    Thanks your for this book review. My wife loves this book after i gave her as a present 😀
    However the book it’s pretty hard to find. I found it on ( sorry if i’m not allowed to leave a link here but maybe it will help others too). I suggest everyone to read Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls . Also keep up with your great work and make more book reviews. With warm, George.

    • January 22, 2018 / 10:21 PM

      Thank you so much for your nice words!
      They published a second book of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls 🙂 I think it’s amazing too!!

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