Book Review: Ordinary Extraordinary Jane Austen by Deborah Hopkinson

s y n o p s i s

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is one of our greatest writers.

But before that, she was just an ordinary girl.

In fact, young Jane was a bit quiet and shy; if you had met her back then, you might not have noticed her at all. But she would have noticed you. Jane watched and listened to all the things people around her did and said and locked those observations away for safekeeping.

Jane also loved to read. She devoured everything in her father’s massive library, and before long she began creating her own stories. In her time, the most popular books were grand adventures and romances, but Jane wanted to go her own way . . . and went on to invent an entirely new kind of novel.

Deborah Hopkinson and Qin Leng have collaborated on a gorgeous tribute to an independent thinker who turned ordinary life into extraordinary stories and created a body of work that has delighted and inspired readers for generations.


f i r s t  s e n t e n c e

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is one of our greatest writers.


m y  o p i n i o n

34972694My mom always amazed me with her love for Jane Austen and so, sooner or later, I fell in love with her books too.

When I walked through the book store today and found this beauty sitting on the lower shelf I knew immediately that it is love at first sight.

I am a sucker for kids books and oh, well, I have this quality from my mom as well. So, I am always on the hunt for beautiful illustrated kids books with stories you can learn from.

Ordinary Extraordinary Jane Austen fullfilled both points.

The illustrations are more then pretty. They are beautiful, very detailed, suitable for children, pleasing to look at and perfect for me. I could stare at them all day long.

What I love about kids books is the idea of getting to know the most important informations about something in just a few pages.
Of course, not all details will be given but you can be sure that the most importants are included and that is all that matters.

After finishing this book, you will know everything important about Jane Austen. By reading a kids book. Just want to remind you.
And if you would like to get more details, a timeline of her life and tiny summeries + quotes of every book she has written are attached to the end.

It’s perfect, booksters. At least for me.


s u m m a r y

So, I highly recommend buying Ordinary Extraordinary Jane Austen for every Jane Austen lover and also for every other bookster because I promise there will be an empty spot in your life without this book.

Perfect start into my new reading year!


m y  r a t i n g :  5 / 5  ★


Find all details about Ordinary, Extraordinary Jane Austen on Goodreads and Amazon .

xo Franziska



Always on the hunt for good books, strong coffee and the little things in life ♡

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  1. January 20, 2018 / 11:10 AM

    Do you have a goodreads account? Could you put the link? PS: I want this book 😍❤

    • January 22, 2018 / 10:19 PM

      I have! You can find me under Books and Peonies :))
      And I can definitely recommend buying the book. It’s perfect!!!!

      • January 22, 2018 / 10:32 PM

        But in the Android version I can’t search for an account. Only for books or authors so, how can I do it?

        • January 23, 2018 / 8:07 AM

          I think it should work if you log in on your Computer 🤔 or you are looking for my review of Ordinary, Extraordinary Jane Austen (not many reviews up yet!) and try to follow me then 🙂

  2. January 27, 2018 / 1:17 AM

    Thank you so much for your review of my book. I LOVE Qin Ling’s artwork. I just heard an NPR story about a Jane Austen Society in Lahore, Pakistan. Jane’s genius continues to inspire people everywhere!

    • January 27, 2018 / 9:30 AM

      Oh, thank you so much for your comment! That made me so happy! And thank you for this amazing book! I look into it every day ❤️

  3. Kris Bauers
    March 6, 2018 / 5:49 PM

    This would be such a great book for my daughter. Thank you for the excellent review! She’s taken more interest in reading lately and I am thrilled! She loved the book “Adventures of Little Yaga and Her Friends” and I am trying to keep the ball rolling. She loved the wonder of the characters and their adventures, I loved the underlying social lessons and the fact she couldn’t put it down! I found it here, Thank you again, I love your blog!

    • March 13, 2018 / 10:52 PM

      That is so so nice, thank you so much ❤️ and I bet she would love this book 🙂

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