Book Review: The Little Things by Victoria D. Nguyen

s y n o p s i s

The Little Things is a collection of Nguyen’s affirmations on self-love, life and relationships in the form of poetry and prose. The book is comprised of three chapters: People, Places and Things. Accompanied by the illustrative works of Michelle S. Tam, The Little Things invites readers to immerse themselves in the work by becoming the subject, object or bystander in the poem. In doing so, Nguyen hopes to bring a unique sense of awareness to the intricacies of our thoughts and actions with our surroundings.

f i r s t  s e n t e n c e

I am a dandelion

m y  o p i n i o n

The author of The Little Things, Victoria D. Nguyen sent me an email, asking if I would like to review her poetry book and after I was done with my research, I knew I had to read this book.

He painted the clouds with color so she would stop seeing skies of grey.

The cover and the illustrations immediately caught my eyes. They are so beautifully done and I like the style of black and white drawings with a hint of color. They are probably the most perfect illustrations I’ve ever seen in a poetry book.

I stand tall, peeling over the city

I seem mighty, I seem strong

But I was built on a broken foundation

Feeling weak, feeling small

So, you could definitely buy this book just because of its illustrations but don’t click out yet and let me tell you a little bit more about the content.

The poems of Victoria D. Nguyen are so refreshingly different. The feelings and emotions the author wants to bring across aren’t expressed though a person but through things, like flowers, buildings or books. I’ve never read a book in this style before and I have to say that it was interesting to not see the world from our point of view but from a thing’s one. You still can adapt their perspective on ours and that makes it so attractive for me because the meaning is not obvious. You have to think a little longer to understand what is meant or how I can adopt the poem on me and my life. I liked it a lot. It definitely kicks up your thinking process.

s u m m a r y

So, I would definitely recommend to read The Little Things by Victoria D. Nguyen if you want to jump into something different and a book which you can read in one sitting.

m y  r a t i n g :  4 / 5  ★

Find all details about The Little Things on Goodreads and Amazon .

xo Franziska



Always on the hunt for good books, strong coffee and the little things in life ♡

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  1. June 6, 2018 / 5:50 AM

    This book sounds amazing! I’ve been wanting to read some poetry this year, but never got around to actually picking up any poetry book… maybe this is the one that I’ll finally give a try! 🙂 Oh, and btw – that picture is so pretty (as always) and I recognized the perfume – it’s my favourite, I’m wearing it myself! <3 What a coincidence! 😀
    Have a nice day <3

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