How can it be the end of March already? It’s so crazy how fast time flies but I am so excited for spring and the warmer months. Today I will reflect on last month and talk about my favorites. Really hope you enjoy!
A little reflection
This month was so lovely. I worked a little bit, spent a lot of time in nature, discovered new places and got to spend a lot of time feeling loved. A lot of happy moments in March. Also, the weather has been so warm and sunny over the last few days which makes me so happy and so excited for spring and summer.
Of course, I had my moments where I doubted myself. I decided to actively work on the things that I am scared of and that I want to change. Therefore I made a list with two columns. In the left one I wrote down all the things that bring me anxiety and cause my belly to hurt. In the right column I thought of ways I can work on those things. For example taxes. Just thinking about them made me feel sick. So, what I did is I spent a whole afternoon researching all of my questions and sum up the answers in a little notebook. Immediately I felt more at peace and now I know what I have to do. Highly, highly recommend trying this method.
I also started working through the workbook ‘Das Kind in dir muss Heimat finden‘ by Stefanie Stahl. I already half-way listened through the audiobook but I thought it would make more sense to get actively involved and I definitely already learned so much about myself and my childhood.
Overall though it was a great month and I am very excited for April. Without further ado though, let’s jump into my March favorites.

12 Rules For Life by Jordan B. Peterson
I started listening to 12 Rules for Life on one of my long car drives and really like it so far! I am not that far into it yet but he says things that make a lot of sense to me and I can’t wait to see how much I can take from the audiobook. Have you read it?
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
I started reading this book at the beginning of the month and I am still not through it. It’s so good but it definitely does take me a little longer to get through as I want to take as much from it as possible. Highly recommend if you need someone telling you how to stop the stupid overthinking 😉
Laufen von Isabel Bogdan
Da es sich hierbei um ein deutsches Buch handelt, switche ich mal schnell auf Deutsch. Ich habe bereits eine Rezension zu Laufen verfasst, aber ich wollte auch hier noch einmal erwähnen, dass mich die Geschichte wirklich sehr berührt und überrascht hat. Ich kann sie jedem wirklich nur ans Herz legen, auch, wenn ihr nicht gerne zum Laufen geht 🙂
The Bold Type
I restarted watching The Bold Type and it’s definitely one of my all-time favorites. It’s such a feel-good, funny and inspiring show and I can highly recommend starting it. It’s basically about three best friends working at a global magazine called Scarlet in New York City. The show is about friendship, love, career and obstacles life can throw at you. It feels so real and genuine and makes me want to work with my best friends. Love it a lot.
My goal for this month was to run 50 km and so far I am at 62 km, yay! As it was getting warmer my motivation for running came back and I am so excited for the warm running season to officially begin. I ran a lot throughout winter but I definitely prefer spring and summer running.
Finally I decided to get a sun screen specifically for my face. So many times I heard how important it is to put sun screen on not only during hot summer months but basically throughout the whole year. So, last week I made it my mission to find a natural sun screen and so far I am very happy with it. Will definitely keep you updated!

♡ Seeing the sunset at the lake.
♡ Love
♡ Sunshine + warmth
♡ Ice cream and coffee on a warm spring day.
♡ The feeling of my whole body aching in a good way after a long run.
- Do more strength workouts.
- Put more effort into my meditations.
- Continue to work on myself.
- Be a good friend.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you are doing well 🙂 Have a great start into April! Sending you lots of love and will talk to you soon.
Franziska ♡