My Morning Routine

Let me take you through my morning routine

Hello, my friends! I hope you are having a great week. On Instagram I asked what you would like me to talk more about on my accounts and a lot of people said they want to see more daily things. That’s why I thought I am going to talk a little bit about my morning routine.

Hope you enjoy!

Starting the day right: Praying

First things first, I pray for my family, friends and our current situation. It gives me a lot of hope which is exactly what I need to start a new day.

My mom always prayed with us when we were little and I always enjoyed it. Love that I keep up with this habit.

Let’s start our morning calm: Meditation

I’ve been mediating on and off for about five years now and am at a point in my practice that when I am stressed or trying to fall asleep I automatically start counting to ten. It’s very calming and one of the meditation techniques taught by Headspace (the app I use).

Usually I do a ten minutes meditation right after I wake up, to start calm in the morning. Their ‘Today’s meditation’ is one of my favorites.

My favorite part: Working out and Stretching

Back in summer, I was in a very good morning workout routine and with the new year I wanted to get back into it. So, now I do a 30 to 60 minutes weighted at home workout. It’s a great energy booster and makes me feel strong. I think I talked about her before but Sydney Cummings on YouTube is my favorite trainer at the moment. Her workouts are challenging and the perfect length for me.

Moreover, I try to stretch for about 20 minutes to work on my flexibility after my workout. It just makes me feel so so good πŸ™‚

Drinking coffee as part of my morning routine.

Getting ready for more productivity

Getting ready is a huge thing for me. I love putting on makeup and a real outfit. Even though I am at home all day at the moment it’s what I need to start my day and be productive.

Morning ritual: Making coffee and listening to a news podcast

I love this ritual. I always make coffee while listening to a ten minutes news podcast to stay updated and informed (Was jetzt by Zeit online).

Morning Journaling

Another thing I’ve been doing for so many years is journaling. I think I had my first journal when I was nine, maybe ten. Since then I’ve been journaling every year and it helps my overthinking brain to destress and relax.

Morning reading: Read for 30 minutes

If I don’t have a seminar or lecture at 8am, I try to read for about 30 minutes in the morning or listen to an audiobook. This way I can prioritize my reading and get it done for the day.

I really hope you enjoyed this post! What is your favorite part of your morning routine?

Have a lovely week, Franziska ♡


Always on the hunt for good books, strong coffee and the little things in life β™‘

Find me on: Instagram


  1. January 20, 2021 / 3:57 PM

    Sounds like a wonderful morning routine! Mine is actually not that different. I really like to take some time for myself in the morning. I do that by reading, having a good breakfast and working out. It really gives me the energy I need for the day πŸ™‚

    • Franziska
      January 21, 2021 / 9:40 AM

      Oh, that sounds great! Love it ☺️ A good breakfast is so important! πŸ™‚
      Have a good rest of your week!!

  2. January 20, 2021 / 7:22 PM

    I absolutely love Headspace and use it as part of my morning routine as well πŸ™‚ There’s something so magical about finishing my morning meditation and then being able to hear the birds outside.
    Lovely post πŸ™‚

    • Franziska
      January 21, 2021 / 9:41 AM

      Headspace is so great!! And yes, a perfect way to start your day πŸ™‚
      Have a great week! β™‘

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