September: 12 Things

Happy weekend, friends. I hope Saturday is treating you well. While finishing up this blog post, I am watching soccer, and let’s say it’s not a happy day for my family, haha. Anyways, I thought it would be time for another 12 Things post. You know how much I love talking about random things, and I thought it would be great to give you a little life update. Hope you enjoy and here are my 12 things…


1. I finally sent in my term paper. F I N A L L Y. My original plan was to have it done by the end of August, but I got distracted and wasn’t in the right headspace, which is why it took me forever to finish. I don’t want to jinx it, but I am not happy with how it turned out…could have been better, but I can’t change it now. Oh well, it is how it is.

2. I started working again, and as stressful as working and writing on my term paper was, I like my work. Okay, the work is not exciting most of the time, but I like the people I work with, and when I get to play photographer or create a newsletter, it’s a lot of fun šŸ™‚

3. As some of you might know, I finished Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker and *highly* recommend it. I will make my sleep a priority again and try to follow some of his tips. I knew sleep was important, obviously, but this book was very, very eye-opening, and I don’t want to get sick because of a lack of sleep. Guys, read this book.

4. I set myself the goal of running a half marathon by the end of the year. The Nike Run Club app has a feature where they create a training plan for whatever running goal you have. Now, I don’t know how accurate the training plan is, but it has been a lot of fun trying out different runs. Let’s see if I can keep myself motivated for when it gets colder…I will keep you updated! 

5. Lately, I have been having so much fun creating and planning my Instagram feed and trying to pre-write captions for the upcoming weeks. It saves so much time, and it’s so much fun deciding what posts to post the upcoming weeks.

6. I lovvvve evening walks at the moment. They are the thing I look forward to after work. Due to my lack of sleep, my energy level has been very low, at least lower than usual, and going for a walk instead of running feels just right for my body. At least for some days of the week. The other night when I had a mild breakdown because of my term paper, I went for a walk at 9.30 pm. It was so peaceful and helped me a lot to calm down. Highly recommend getting some fresh air every day.

7. I colored my hair! Okay, not me but my hair salon, and I am so happy with how it turned out. I’ve been thinking about changing my hair for a longer time, and now the timing was just right. Went a little shorter and lighter šŸ™‚

8. Unpopular opinion: I am not excited for fall. Especially among the #bookstagram community, a very unpopular opinion. A couple of years ago, I was all excited for fall, but ever since I started commuting, just thinking about fall and winter gives me anxiety. So dark and cold. I will try to make the best of it and hope that Uni and hanging out with friends will make it more bearable. I am excited about cozy sweaters, though šŸ™‚ Are you a fall person? 

9. Lately, I’ve loved Audible. During work, I love to listen to audiobooks, and Audible has so many options. Love it. I am currently listening to 21 Lessons for the 21st century, and holy moly, this book is so good —another book you NEED to read or listen to.

10. So random, but I have been craving coffee shop coffee so much, haha. We don’t have any good coffee shops around where I live, and I have been craving a good coffee-shop pumpkin spice latte or a simple latte with oat milk. Can’t wait to be back at Uni, surrounded by coffee shops šŸ™‚

11. A year ago, I was in Canada and boy, I miss it so much. If someone offered me a ticket, I wouldn’t think twice. I miss the country and the vibes, the people, my host family, the coffee and food, and the mountains’ quietness. I hope I can go back next year. Where would you love to travel right now?

12. I have been following Bianca Sparacino (@rainbowsalt) for a while and love her poetry. I randomly discovered her podcast In Your Feelings, and wow, I love it so much. She offers advice on different topics like loving yourself or letting go. Not only is her advice so good, but every episode is like a 30-minute long poem. I love listing to her words.


Always on the hunt for good books, strong coffee and the little things in life ā™”

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