October in Pictures

I really hope you had a great October 🙂 Today I have another little monthly recap. The new semester started, and I am back at my tiny apartment, going to Uni, taking a lot of art classes which has been fun so far. Other than that I spent a lot of time in nature, soaked up the last little bit of warmth and felt very grateful for all the cozy, colorful fall walks.

I finished reading Homo Deus, We Should All Be Feminists and When We Hope and started reading The Midnight Library and The Comfort Book, both by Matt Haig. I also started Dubliners by James Joyce which I have to read for my English Lit seminar and which is actually better than I expected!

I definitely want to get back into a solid routine, reading and working out more and just in general have a more structured life. It’s been definitely busy over here, I’ve been spending a lot of time going back and forth between different places and I hope, now that the new semester started, I get to really establish a routine here.

Other than that I’ve been feeling very grateful and happy and can’t wait for the cozy season to start. I am sure it’s going to be great!

How has your October been?


Always on the hunt for good books, strong coffee and the little things in life ♡

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